True Feelings : The Center of Your World

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True Feelings : The Center of Your World


Sample Chapter

Recognizing Your Freedom

Freedom is a state of consciousness, a state of being that gives you a sense of security. The more sensitive and aware you become, the more free you need to be. You need to understand why you want to be a free agent. If you want to operate as pure spirit, which you are already, then you need to understand how you limit and delude yourself.

The more you limit your concepts of what you can do and the more you classify or label yourself, the more you limit your picture of yourself and others. You thereby also invite limitation from others.

As a soul you are, you have been and you always will be a perfect gathering of energy. Here on planet earth there are areas you do not feel right about or do not understand. You are in the process of relearning about your freedom. Your fears are born of taking only the narrow, limited view and overlooking the bigger picture of spiritual perfection.

There is no limit to your freedom. Your word and thought are more powerful than you perhaps realize. You are what you think, not what you think you are. You are universal law. It is a matter of seeing yourself as a free agent, understanding what your state of consciousness is and what energy is.

When you know who you are and why you are here you can take care of yourself in any circumstance or situation. Then you are in charge of yourself. Then you are really free. As you expand your state of consciousness to recognize the freedom you are, your time will become more important to you. Time is important, because that is all you have. You waste time when you do not know who you are, why you are here and where you are going.

Chapter by Chapter, True Feelings – The Center of Your World takes you on a journey of inner security, self awareness and soul expansion.

These chapters include

    • Recognising Your Freedom,
    • You are a Healing Light,
    • Are You Listening,
    • Seeing the Successful You
    • and Much More…..

Profound in its simplicity and common sense, the True Feelings book will inspire and enlighten you at every turn of the page.