The essence of the feeling of your soul energy is calm, cool and collected. It is being your “sea of tranquility.”
This program will help you experience life from the depth of your inner “sea of tranquility,” so you can learn to attract what you truly want and need for your spiritual growth and fulfilment. When you discover the spiritual significance of each experience, you become more detached about life so you can enjoy the beauty of each moment and each situation you encounter.
With this program you will practice refining your spiritual gifts and your means of communication with your team of master souls. The Orientation Profile, which is available through the PMM program, will help you understand the order of your spiritual gifts, how your team of master souls communicate with you and how much of your energy you are using for your spiritual growth. This Profile will help you discern the experiences you have as you travel through your past, present, and future. You can arrange for this profile through our Private Consultations Page.
You have existed as a soul through eons of time and you will continue to exist throughout eternity. The greatest investment you can make is the investment of time it takes to discover the truth about the real you. The best way to learn is through your experiences in life.
These are the section headings of this program